
Matthew 1:21

Jehovah Savior

July 07, 20231 min read

Jehovah Savior

By: Pastor Mike Matthews

“She will give birth to a son, and you are to name him Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.””

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭1‬:‭21‬ ‭CSB‬‬

Jesus’s name literally means “Lord of Salvation” or “Savior”. The Hebrew roots of his name which is Joshua is a title of the Most High God indicating He alone will be the one to save his people from their sins. Therefore, his name means Jehovah Savior.

This truth of his name means he is God in the flesh, the incarnate Son who’s mission is to be the Lamb of God, exchange our sin for his righteousness and take God’s wrath in our place, freeing us from the punishment of our sin and giving us complete forgiveness and right standing before God.

Jesus is Lord of our salvation. His name and actions proved it.

Trust Him today at your Lord and Savior.


Lord, you are our salvation. We praise you for your finished work as our Jehovah Savior. Amen.

#God #devotional #Jesus

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Pastor Mike Matthews

Founder, Chairman of The Board and Senior Pastor Limping for Jesus

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