Made For A Mission
By: Pastor Mike Matthews
“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”
Ephesians 2:10 ESV
God created us. We are living masterpieces of the Devine Artist. His workmanship. We were
made for a mission.
One of the joys of following Jesus is discovering the good works he put us on earth to do for his glory.
Discovering our mission begins with believing we are made for a mission. We are not accidents. We were planned by and for the Messiah.
Saints, I pray you see this and trust this truth. You get this and your identity won’t be crushed by circumstances that are not easy. You’ll face them from your purpose and not trying to figure out why you are here. You are here for Jesus!!
Keep limping for Jesus and limp loved!
Lord, we were made for a mission. Help us see why you have us here and how to bring you glory. Amen!
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