
Sermon Recap (5.13.23)

Sermon Recap (5.13.23)

May 14, 20231 min read

Sermon Recap (5.13.23)

Title: Who is Jesus

Text: John 1

By: Pastor Mike Matthews


We kick off a new series in the Gospel of John. Who is Jesus? a mere moral teacher or Son of God? Dig in with us as we discover who the Messiah is.

I. Who is the Word in verse 1-2?

A. Jesus is the living Word. As the second member of the Trinity, he's always been God.

II. Why did John write this Gospel?

A. So we know Jesus is the Son of God

B. That we know he’s the Messiah

III. Why Did Jesus become human?

A. He's the Lamb of God. He came to die for our sins. To bring humanity back to God

Life Application questions:

1. Has your thoughts changed about who Jesus is? Has your faith been made stronger?

2. God’s gift to be his child is by grace through Christ, how does it make you feel that our background or family history does not matter to Him?

3. Nathaniel believed that Jesus was the Messiah because Jesus told him he saw him under that tree, showing his divinity. Today, we read the written Word about the living Word. Like Nathaniel, do you see who Jesus is?

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Pastor Mike Matthews

Founder, Chairman of The Board and Senior Pastor Limping for Jesus

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