
John 16:33

Tribulation To Triumph

July 16, 20231 min read

Tribulation To Triumph

By: Pastor Mike Matthews

This life is filled with ups and downs. Following Jesus does not exclude you from this reality. He told us we would have trials and troubles, especially if we follow him.

However, we have victory in Jesus too. In this life and the next to come. With the bumps and bruises will come the seasons of great joy. Joy of the King using our life in advancing his kingdom. Joy in knowing him. Joy in fellowshipping with his people. With Tribulation comes triumph. But we take a beating to get to that blessing. The devil is hoping we give up in the valley. Don’t! I see the Mountain Top! Victory is ahead!

Weary and Limping Saint, keep limping for Jesus. He’s worth it. Never give up!


Lord, may I see my troubles as stages for future triumphs. You waste no tribulation in our life. It’s for our joy and for your glory. Amen!

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Pastor Mike Matthews

Founder, Chairman of The Board and Senior Pastor Limping for Jesus

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