

What Happens When You Make Jesus Your Joy?

May 24, 20231 min read

What Happens When You Make Jesus Your Joy?

By: Pastor Mike Matthews

“Be happy with the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭37‬:‭4‬ ‭GW‬‬

When Jesus is your joy and the source of your desires, God will keep rewarding that with deeper joys in Christ.

Let’s be clear, this verse is not telling you to believe in God to get stuff.

If that’s the theology you get from this, when the spring of stuff dries up, you’ll discover that you never loved Jesus. You loved the gifts, not the Giver.

When life hurts like hell and Jesus is your joy, you learn to face circumstances with reasonable joy and weeping.

You see this when solid Christians don’t get healed from cancer but still praises Jesus.

You see this when the Christian parent buries their child yet worships Jesus in the midst of grief.

You see this when people with disabilities don’t get healed yet still calls Jesus the Lord and King of their lives.

Saints, focus on loving Jesus more and more and things of this world and our sin will lose it appeal. Lesser desires will die out to greater joys of knowing Christ and making him known will become greater in you. You’ll be fit to give a reason for your hope when life says give up.

Limp on! Limp well. Limp loved.


Lord, grow my desires for you and not stuff of this world. We want you, not things or fame. Amen.

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Pastor Mike Matthews

Founder, Chairman of The Board and Senior Pastor Limping for Jesus

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